Top 10 Tips to Boost Mental Health, Evidence-Based

Mental health is simply defined as psychological and emotional well-being. It includes your behavior, emotional intelligence, conflict handling, and thoughts. Similar to physical health, there are tips to boost your mental health as well.

If you believe that getting help with mental health is not that important, you might be astonished to know that in 2020, 46% of people thought that mental health was more important than physical health, and another 46% considered both to be equally important.

These valuable strategies can improve your mental well-being and prepare you to keep on regardless of the circumstances.

1. Get A Restful Night’s Sleep

You might already know the importance of sleep for physical health. But it also holds significant importance in maintaining mental health. Getting enough sleep at night improves your capacity to process, comprehend, and control emotions.

Try not to use PCs, televisions, and phones for a few hours before bed for a comfortable rest. Plus, ensure your room is quiet, dark, tidy, and cozy enough. Following a consistent sleeping schedule and waking up will prevent you from sleep deprivation and fatigue.

2. Engage In Physical Exercises

Our day-to-day schedules are loaded with consecutive meetings and errands. But, along with all the responsibilities, engaging in gentle exercises and physical activities is necessary. Even a 30-minute walk can help your psychological wellness. Making a decent routine incorporating gentle exercises (like squats, stretches, and running) assists you with memory and reducing stress.

3. Avoid Junk Food

Overconsumption of fast food, energy drinks, and highly processed will not only make you obese but will deteriorate your mental and emotional well-being. Extra sugary, cholesterol-rich diets trigger symptoms of depression and anxiety. So, for a quick snack, try walnuts, almonds, pistachios, or cashews instead.

4. Connect With Nature Again

According to the research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, a 90-minute walk in any natural landscape compared to a highly urbanized area showed decreased rumination levels. In other words, there is a decline in factors linked to depression.

To improve your mental health and mood, go on a trek, walk barefoot on the grass, pay attention to the birds chirping, and be more conscious of your senses.

5. Slim Your Screen Time

Many of us do not even realize how long we have been scrolling through reels. So, you have to schedule some time away from any screen deliberately, be it a laptop, smartphone, or tablet.

Your bedroom should be tech-free. And it is wise to ditch your phone a few hours before bed at night. To satisfy the urge to experience new things, you can try creative hobbies like painting, reading, or playing sports. It will promote restful sleep as well.

6. Regulate Your Feelings

Maintaining a stable emotional state requires emotional control abilities. You must be aware of the stimulus or triggers that promote anger, frustration, or any other negative emotion. You can better manage stress and unforeseen circumstances with emotional regulation skills.

To become good at regulating your emotions, try incorporating these tips:

  • Accept your feelings and ask yourself: What feel-safe options are available for me? What are the potential solutions for this issue? How should I respond to this problem?
  • Practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Get support from peers and family. It is also helpful to overcome negative thoughts that can ruin your day otherwise.

Acknowledging your feelings and actively thinking about them prevent outbursts and emotional breakdowns.

7. Take Pauses Throughout The Day

If you work at a desk all day, consider having lunch in the office cafeteria or in an open-air lawn if you work from home. It will give you some time away from the screen in a natural environment.

Long working hours will not only affect you mentally but decrease your productivity as well. In fact, taking short breaks mid-day during work is beneficial in enhancing work engagement and sleep quality.

8. Live In The Present Moment

According to expert psychologists from Harvard, we spend 47% of our waking hours in mind wandering. It means that we remain distracted from the present moment (most of the time), which is so common that it feels natural to us.

So you need to actively practice living in the present moment, i.e., living here and now.

  • Refrain from multitasking and finish one activity at a time using the time-blocking strategy.
  • Stop worrying about what’s to come.
  • Often, we do not focus on things we have right now. So, practice gratitude to be more conscious of what you have achieved.

9. Try Meditation

Meditation allows you to remain calm and comfortable even in a hectic environment. It is the most fundamental and effective method for gaining control of your feelings and thoughts. Meditation is the greatest approach to treating anxiety attacks and stress since it efficiently decreases psychological stress.

10. Cut Yourself Some Slack

Accept that you cannot be 100% productive all the time. So, whenever you feel things are getting out of your hands and you are making mistakes, be easy on yourself. Do not take external criticism or trolling inside your head, and maintain necessary boundaries.

Go on a walk, hang out with your favorite people, take some time off from work, and come back more energized. It is the golden way to fix burnout and improve mental health.


Even after trying tips to boost mental health, there will be bad mental health days as well. You must not blame or think bad about yourself in those hard times. These are the waves of sadness that can go away by having a good laugh with friends or watching an inspiring movie.


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