Terms and Conditions

Kindly browse the Terms of Use in detail before browsing http://freehealthtips.org/ website (the Service) supervised by http://freehealthtips.org/ (“us,” “we,” or “our”).

When you access the Service, the action implies accepting the terms and services. The user complies with the terms. These Terms of Use apply to all users, visitors, and individuals who can access us. If you are displeased with the Terms, kindly do not access the Service.

Copyright/ Intellectual Property

The terms “Free,” “Health,” “Tips,” and “Free Health Tips” are trademarks of http://freehealthtips.org. Relevant and international laws protect the Service’s design and content. The user must not copy, regenerate, post, display, upload, or republish content without consent from Free Health Tips. The content on the Service is for personal and noncommercial use only.


The Service will investigate complaints of copyright infringement. Consequently, Free Health Tips will take appropriate actions under relevant laws. If the user believes their work was copied, contact Us with the content description, address, email address, and telephone number. The user must also provide a statement promising that the information provided is accurate; that they are the copyright owner.


Free Health Tips has the absolute right to suspend the Service whenever they see fit without notice. The Service is not liable for immediate suspension regardless of the reason. The breach of Terms is included in the list of reasons.

As per their application, the Terms that withstand termination will withstand termination. For example, ownership details, warranties, disclaimers, indemnity, and liability. However, liability is subject to limitations.


When visiting our Service, you agree to defend and protect Free Health Tips from harm that may arise from losses and damages. Other causes of harm are liabilities, judgments, and expenses such as legal fees and costs. Free Health Tips will incur expenses to defend claims made by a third party. The subject matter involves the application of laws and the ill-execution of Terms and Services.

Personal Information

The content mentioned on the Service is there to educate the user on medical problems. They are not a substitute for medical advice. Therefore, do not share personal information online. Seek immediate diagnosis, treatment, and assistance from a qualified professional.